Cyber Imp

Risk and Vulnerability Assessment

Proactively identify and address vulnerabilities in operational technology (OT) systems to safeguard critical infrastructure. 

Comprehensive OT Security Analysis

Uncover exploitable weaknesses across industrial devices and networks.

Risk-Based Prioritization

Focus remediation efforts on vulnerabilities with the highest potential impact.

Improved OT Resilience

Strengthen defenses to proactively prevent cyberattacks and disruptions.



Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Features

CyberIMP OT Vulnerability Assessment automates OT scans, prioritize risks, and gain actionable insights – all for a secure and compliant OT environment.

Automated Vulnerability Scanning

Efficiently identify a wide range of OT-specific vulnerabilities.

Actionable Reporting

Gain clear insights with detailed reports and prioritized remediation steps.

Customizable Assessments

Tailor the scope and depth to your unique OT environment and security posture.

Risk-Based Prioritization

Allocate resources effectively by focusing on the most critical vulnerabilities first.

Compliance Management Support

Streamline adherence to relevant industry security regulations.

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Risk and Vulnerability AssessmentBenefits

CyberIMP OT Vulnerability Assessment proactively identifies and remediates OT vulnerabilities to minimize cyber risks, safety incidents, and financial losses.

Reduced Cyberattack Risk:

Reduced Cyberattack Risk

Proactive identification: Identify vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them.

Reduced attack surface: Address vulnerabilities to minimize potential attack entry points.

Faster remediation: Prioritize and remediate critical vulnerabilities quickly.


Minimized Safety Incidents

  • Minimized Safety Incidents:

Reduced likelihood of safety incidents: By addressing vulnerabilities in OT systems, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of safety incidents caused by cyberattacks. These incidents can occur in several ways:

  • Attackers gain control of critical industrial processes and manipulate them to cause physical harm. For example, an attacker could disrupt a safety instrumented system (SIS) that is designed to prevent explosions in a chemical plant, potentially leading to a catastrophic event.
  • Attackers disrupt safety protocols or disable safety features, creating unsafe conditions for personnel and equipment.
Prevented Environmental Damage:

  • Prevented Environmental Damage:

Reduced risk of environmental damage:**

  • Disrupted OT operations can lead to environmental damage.
  • Examples: attacks on water treatment plants or power grids.
  • Contamination of water supplies or widespread blackouts.


Financial Losses


Financial Losses: Lost production, data breaches, and regulatory fines.

    • Lost production: Cyberattacks can disrupt core processes, causing downtime and financial losses.
    • Data breaches: Compromised OT data (e.g., control systems, proprietary processes) leads to financial losses.
      • Reputational damage: Data breach harms reputation, erodes trust, & cuts sales.
      • Regulatory fines: May face significant fines depending on the breach and regulations.


Enhanced Operational Safety & Reliability

Enhanced Operational Safety & Reliability:

    • Prevent disruptions: Proactive vulnerability assessment helps prevent disruptions caused by cyberattacks.
    • Ensure reliable OT performance: By addressing vulnerabilities, you ensure reliable OT performance and process control.
Demonstrate Compliance

Demonstrate Compliance:

    • Meet industry security standards (e.g., NERC CIP, IEC 62443).
    • Fulfill regulatory requirements (e.g., HIPAA, GDPR).
Reduced Security Incident Costs


Reduced Security Incident Costs:

Prevent financial losses:

      • Avoid downtime costs: Minimize downtime caused by cyberattacks and data breaches.
      • Prevent data breach expenses: Reduce expenses associated with data breaches (e.g., forensic investigation, notification, credit monitoring).
Improved Business Continuity


Improved Business Continuity:


An OT VA is a systematic process employed to identify, evaluate, and prioritize vulnerabilities within your OT environment, specifically Industrial Control Systems (ICS).  It's a critical component of a robust OT security strategy, ensuring the safety, reliability, and availability of control systems. Unlike IT VAs focused on data breaches, OT VAs prioritize the uninterrupted operation of critical infrastructure.

The increasing interconnectedness and software reliance of OT systems make them more vulnerable to cyberattacks.  An OT VA empowers you to:

  • Proactively Mitigate Risk: Identify and address vulnerabilities before exploitation, preventing costly downtime, safety incidents, and potential environmental damage.
  • Prioritize Remediation Efforts: Categorize vulnerabilities based on severity and potential impact, allowing for focused resource allocation towards the most critical issues.
  • Develop a Risk Management Plan: Leverage VA findings to create a plan outlining strategies to address vulnerabilities, minimize risks, and bolster OT security.
  • Ensure Regulatory Compliance: Many industries have regulations mandating regular OT security assessments.

While both assessments identify weaknesses, key differences exist:

  • Focus: IT VAs prioritize data confidentiality and integrity, while OT VAs prioritize the safety, reliability, and availability of industrial control systems.
  • Scanning Techniques: IT environments tolerate aggressive scanning tools. OT assessments may employ non-intrusive or passive techniques to minimize operational disruption.
  • Patch Management: Patching in OT environments can be complex due to potential process impact. OT VAs consider alternative mitigation strategies until patching becomes feasible.

A comprehensive OT VA typically involves these stages:

  • Planning and Scoping: Define the assessment's goals, scope, and methodology.
  • Asset Discovery and Inventory: Identify and document all hardware and software components within the OT environment.
  • Vulnerability Identification: Utilize tools and techniques to identify potential vulnerabilities in devices and configurations.
  • Vulnerability Analysis: Assess the severity and potential impact of each identified vulnerability.
  • Risk Prioritization: Prioritize vulnerabilities based on a combination of severity, exploitability, and potential impact.
  • Reporting and Recommendations: Document the findings, including a risk matrix, and provide recommendations for mitigating vulnerabilities.

Frequency of OT Vulnerability Assessments:

  • Annual Assessments: A baseline for most organizations, considering evolving threats and changes in the OT environment.
  • More Frequent Assessments (e.g., semi-annually or quarterly): For critical processes, internet-connected systems, or highly regulated industries.
  • Less Frequent Assessments (e.g., every other year): For low-risk OT environments with limited internet connectivity.

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Bengaluru, Karnataka 562125


CyberImp Private Limited


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