Cyber Imp

Real-Time Threat Detection

Gain comprehensive visibility into your OT security posture. Automated reports on vulnerabilities, configurations, and network activity deliver actionable insights for proactive cyber resilience.

Enhanced Visibility

Unify OT asset data for complete situational awareness.

Streamlined Compliance

Simplify adherence to security regulations & standards.

Data-Driven Decisions

Prioritize risks and optimize security efforts with actionable insights.



CyberImp Real-Time Threat Detection Features

CyberIMP OT offers security features for industrial infrastructure including log collection, analysis, anomaly detection, and compliance management.

Automated Reporting

Regular security summaries tailored to stakeholder needs.

Advanced Vulnerability Management

Identify, prioritize, and remediate OT device vulnerabilities.

Continuous Configuration Monitoring

Track changes and ensure secure OT system configurations.

Network Traffic Analysis

Detect anomalies and potential threats for proactive incident response.

Pre-built Compliance Reports

Demonstrate adherence to key security frameworks.

sneak and peek


Real-Time Threat Detection Benefits

CyberIMP OT Infrastructure Reporting Benefits offers visibility, prioritization, compliance, data-driven decisions, minimized disruption, efficiency, stakeholder confidence and improved insurability.

Sharpened Vulnerability Management

Prioritize critical vulnerabilities based on severity and exploitability, allowing OT security teams to effectively address the most impactful issues first.

Simplified Compliance Management

Streamline compliance efforts by generating reports that readily demonstrate adherence to industry regulations.

Data-Driven Security Decisions

Leverage comprehensive reports to guide security investments, resource allocation, and operational improvements for a more secure OT environment.

Minimized Business Disruption

Proactive security measures minimize disruptions caused by cyberattacks, ensuring optimal operational uptime and reduced financial losses.

Enhanced Operational Efficiency

Streamline security tasks and free up OT teams to focus on core responsibilities like process optimization and production, leading to greater efficiency.

Increased Stakeholder Confidence

Foster trust and transparency with leadership and partners by keeping them informed through clear and concise reports.

Improved insurability

Strong OT security posture can improve insurability.


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+91 9019632210


Bengaluru, Karnataka 562125


CyberImp Private Limited


OT infrastructure reports typically include a comprehensive view of your OT environment, encompassing OT asset inventory, detailed vulnerability information, configuration changes, network activity logs, and relevant compliance metrics.

The frequency depends on your organization's risk tolerance and industry regulations. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Weekly reports are recommended for high-risk environments or those with strict compliance requirements.
  • Monthly reports are a good starting point for most organizations.
  • Ad-hoc reports should be generated for security incidents or specific compliance needs.

OT infrastructure reports are valuable for various stakeholders:

  • Security teams: Leverage reports for threat detection and vulnerability management.
  • IT personnel: Gain insights into OT security posture for improved IT-OT convergence.
  • Operations staff: Gain a better understanding of potential security risks impacting operations.
  • Management: Benefit from high-level reports demonstrating security compliance and overall cyber resilience.

OT infrastructure reports are a cornerstone of a robust OT security program. They help identify and prioritize vulnerabilities, detect suspicious activity on your network, track your security posture over time to measure effectiveness, and demonstrate compliance with relevant regulations.

Challenges can include integrating data from disparate OT systems, ensuring data accuracy and consistency, and tailoring reports for different audiences with varying technical expertise.


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