Cyber Imp

Operational Technology Decoys

Employ Operational Technology Decoys to proactively safeguard critical infrastructure. Decoy deployments mislead attackers, enabling early threat intelligence and a more robust security posture.

Proactive Threat Deception

Sets traps (decoy assets) to lure and analyze attacker behaviour.

Advanced Threat Intelligence

Understands attacker tactics for informed security decisions.

Rapid Incident Response

Disrupts attacks before compromising real OT systems and causing disruption

home ot


CyberImpOperational Technology Decoys Features

CyberIMP OT Deception Management actively deceives attackers in OT networks with dynamic decoys, mimicking real traffic, and providing real-time threat analysis.

Dynamic Decoy Deployment:

Creates realistic, OT-specific decoy devices and systems.

Network Traffic Mimicry

Replicates authentic network behaviour to seamlessly deceive attackers

Real-Time Threat Detection:

Alerts on suspicious activity targeting decoys for immediate action.

In-Depth Attacker Analysis

Learns attacker techniques and tools to improve future defenses.

Automated Response & Deception

Takes action to block or mislead attackers, obfuscating real assets.

sneak and peek


Operational Technology Decoys Benefits

CyberIMP OT Deception Management offers benefits like early threat detection, improved response, reduced disruption, and enhanced security posture.

Early Warning System

Early Warning System

Deception acts as an early warning system by identifying malicious activity targeting decoy assets. This provides valuable time for security teams to:

  • Investigate the threat
  • Understand its potential impact
  • Take steps to mitigate the risk before real OT systems are compromised. By detecting threats in their early stages, organizations can prevent operational disruptions, safeguard critical infrastructure, and ensure business continuity.


Actionable Threat Intelligence

Actionable Threat Intelligence: 

Sharpen defenses: Analyze attacker interactions with decoys to identify vulnerabilities and improve defenses accordingly.

Optimize resources: Allocate security resources effectively by focusing on the most critical threats.

Plan proactively: Gain insights into attacker tactics and motivations to plan for future threats 

Reduced Operational Disruption

Reduced Operational Disruption

Deception prevents attacks on real OT systems, minimizing financial impact. 

Reduced financial losses: Mitigates costs associated with repair/replacement of damaged equipment and production downtime.

Enhanced Security Posture

Enhanced Security Posture

OT deception exposes attacker tactics and objectives through decoy interactions, providing valuable insight that can be used to proactively identify and address weaknesses in your OT security posture in the following ways:

  • Identify vulnerable OT devices and protocols
  • Improve segmentation and access controls
  • Update security policies and procedures
  • Patch vulnerabilities and misconfigurations
Streamlined Incident Response

Streamlined Incident Response:

  • Leverage decoy activation to pinpoint threats with greater precision and speed.
  • Isolate compromised systems to prevent attackers from pivoting to other assets.
  • Disrupt attacker progress by dismantling their initial foothold and hindering lateral movement.
  • Expedite remediation efforts to minimize potential damage and restore normal operations swiftly.
Lower Security Costs

Lower Security Costs: 

OT deception can significantly reduce security costs in the following ways:

Minimizes manual effort: Deception automates much of the detection and analysis process, freeing up security personnel to focus on other critical tasks such as threat hunting, incident investigation, and security posture improvement.

Reduces impact of successful attacks: By diverting attackers to decoys and providing early warning of threats, deception helps to prevent attacks from compromising real OT systems and causing costly downtime, damage, and data loss.


Improved Regulatory Compliance

Improved Regulatory Compliance

Compliance benefits:  Deception meets compliance by improving threat detection and response.

  • NERC CIP: Deception helps meet NERC CIP by exposing early signs of OT attack attempts.
  • NIST CSF: Deception supports NIST CSF by aiding threat detection, response, and security improvement.
  • IEC 62443: Deception meets IEC 62443 by enhancing threat detection and response for IACS.


Absolutely not. Deception operates within a completely isolated network segment, ensuring zero impact on production systems. Deception tools are designed to be lightweight and require minimal resources, further reducing the potential for any performance impact on the OT network.

Deception systems can record attacker actions in detail, providing valuable forensic data on their tactics, objectives, and tools. This intelligence can be used to refine defenses in several ways:

  • Identify patterns and IOCs: Analyze attacker behaviors to identify recurring patterns and Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) that can be used to update security controls and improve threat hunting capabilities.
  • Test security efficacy: Use deception to test the effectiveness of existing security measures by observing how attackers attempt to bypass them. This can help identify weaknesses in the security posture and prioritize remediation efforts.
  • Anticipate future attacks: By understanding attacker Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs), security teams can proactively develop countermeasures to thwart future attacks.

Deception fundamentally changes the security paradigm by taking a proactive stance, as opposed to traditional security tools which are primarily reactive:

  • Proactive vs Reactive: Deception lays traps for attackers, while traditional tools wait for threats to occur before raising alerts.
  • Focus on Prevention vs Detection: Deception aims to prevent attackers from reaching critical systems, while traditional tools focus on identifying threats after they have infiltrated the network.
  • Early Warning vs Incident Response: Deception provides early warnings of potential attacks, allowing for swift mitigation, whereas traditional tools trigger alerts after a security breach has already happened.

Absolutely. Deception solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly with existing security tools to form a comprehensive and layered security posture. This integration enables deception to share rich threat intelligence gleaned from attacker interactions with decoys. Deception platforms can achieve this integration in several ways:

  • SIEM Integration: Deception platforms can integrate with Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems to provide SIEM with valuable insights about attacker tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). SIEM systems can then leverage this intelligence to correlate data from other security tools, enabling them to generate more accurate and insightful alerts.
  • Firewall Integration: Deception solutions can also integrate with firewalls to automatically route suspicious traffic identified within the decoys to designated forensic analysis tools for further investigation and potential threat mitigation.


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Bengaluru, Karnataka 562125


CyberImp Private Limited


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