Cyber Imp

Security and incident Management

Leverage Security and incident Management to centralize security data, proactively detect threats, and ensure uninterrupted operations in industrial control systems (ICS).

Unified Security Intelligence

Collects and analyzes data from diverse OT sources for holistic threat detection.

Advanced Threat Correlation

Unmasks sophisticated attacks by correlating events across OT infrastructure.

Streamlined Incident Response

Expedites response and minimizes disruption through actionable alerts and reporting.

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CyberIMP Security and incident Management Features

CyberIMP OT SIEM centralizes logs, identifies threats, streamlines response, and simplifies compliance, all aimed at ensuring secure OT operations.

Comprehensive Log Aggregation

Gathers data from PLCs, SCADA systems, and other OT devices.

Advanced Correlation & Anomaly Detection

Identifies unusual patterns suggesting potential cyberattacks.

Standardized Log Management

Normalizes and parses logs for efficient analysis and threat identification.

Context-Aware Alerting & Reporting

Generates actionable alerts and comprehensive security reports.

Integrated Compliance Management

Tracks adherence to industry regulations and security standards.

sneak and peek


Security and incident Management Benefits

CyberIMP OT SIEM: Unify, Secure, Optimize – Centralize data, proactively detect threats, and ensure smooth OT operations.

Improved Situational Awareness


Improved Situational Awareness

Gain a comprehensive view of your OT security posture by centralizing security data from various OT devices, systems, and networks:

    1. Centralized View: See a unified view of all OT security data, eliminating silos and improving threat visibility.
    2. Improved Threat Detection: Identify suspicious activity that might otherwise go unnoticed by correlating data from disparate sources.
    3. Proactive Vulnerability Identification: Uncover potential vulnerabilities in your OT environment by analyzing historical data and identifying trends.


Advanced Threat Detection

Advanced Threat Detection:

OT SIEM detects complex attacks by correlating data across OT sources and identifying subtle anomalies.

  • Correlates control system commands with network traffic and user activity: Identifies suspicious activity such as unauthorized access attempts followed by unusual control system commands.
  • Detects anomalies in industrial process data: Abweichungen (deviations) in sensor readings, control signals, or equipment behavior can indicate potential tampering or malfunctions.
  • Identifies patterns of malicious activity: Correlates seemingly unrelated events across different OT systems to uncover coordinated attacks.
Faster and More Effective Incident Response

Faster and More Effective Incident Response:

OT SIEM empowers security teams to streamline incident response workflows through the following:

  • Automated Initial Containment: Automatically isolate compromised devices or block malicious traffic upon triggering a security event.
  • Prioritized Investigation: Focus on investigating the root cause by providing context and insights from correlated data.
  • Effective Remediation: Facilitate implementing effective remediation strategies based on the specific details of the incident.
  • Improved Recovery: Support post-incident recovery efforts with comprehensive audit trails and reporting capabilities.

Reduced Alert Fatigue

Reduced Alert Fatigue:

OT SIEM solutions can significantly reduce alert fatigue by employing context-aware filtering and prioritization in several ways:

  • Filter by device type and severity: Focus on alerts from critical OT devices and prioritize high-severity events.
  • Correlate events for context: Analyze related events to distinguish between genuine threats and common operational activities.
  • Baseline normal behavior: Establish baselines for normal OT device behavior to identify deviations that might indicate threats.
  • Machine learning: Leverage machine learning algorithms to identify patterns of malicious activity and prioritize these alerts.
Proactive Threat Hunting


Proactive Threat Hunting:

OT SIEM empowers security teams to proactively hunt for potential threats by analyzing historical data and identifying patterns that deviate from established baselines. This can include:

  • Identifying unusual combinations of events, such as access attempts from unauthorized locations during non-working hours.
  • Identifying statistically significant changes in control system commands or sensor readings.
Simplified Compliance Management

Simplified Compliance Management:

OT SIEM simplifies compliance management by:

  • Centralized Log Collection: Provides a central repository for all security-related logs from OT devices and systems.
  • Standardized Log Management: Ensures logs are normalized and formatted consistently for easier analysis and reporting.
  • Automated Reporting: Generates reports that demonstrate compliance with relevant regulations and standards.
  • Audit Trail Support: Facilitates the creation and maintenance of auditable records of security events.
Optimized Operational Efficiency


Optimized Operational Efficiency

Identify non-malicious anomalies that could disrupt processes, allowing for preventive maintenance and reduced downtime.

Early Warning Signs: By detecting deviations in sensor readings, control signals, or equipment behavior, OT SIEM can identify potential equipment malfunctions before they escalate into critical failures. This allows for:

Predictive Maintenance: Schedule maintenance based on actual equipment data rather than a fixed schedule, preventing unnecessary downtime and optimizing resource allocation.

Reduced Downtime: Proactive maintenance minimizes unplanned equipment failures and associated downtime, leading to improved Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).

Reduced Security Costs

Reduced Security Costs

Minimize the impact of security incidents on production processes and infrastructure, leading to cost savings in downtime and repairs.

Faster Incident Response: By identifying and prioritizing security threats quickly, OT SIEM enables security teams to react swiftly and minimize the damage caused by the incident.

Improved Recovery Efforts: Comprehensive audit trails and reporting capabilities from OT SIEM facilitate a faster and more efficient recovery process, reducing downtime and associated costs.

Reduced Remediation Costs: By providing context and insights into the incident, OT SIEM helps teams implement targeted remediation strategies, saving time and resources compared to a more reactive approach.

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+91 9019632210


Bengaluru, Karnataka 562125


CyberImp Private Limited


  • Security and incident Management are specialized for industrial control systems (ICS), understanding unique protocols and potential threats in those environments.
  • IT SIEMs focus on traditional IT infrastructure, such as servers, desktops, and applications. They may not be equipped to handle specialized protocols or nuances of OT environments.

Security and incident Management can detect non-malicious anomalies that could disrupt processes. For example, unusual control system behavior might indicate equipment malfunction. By identifying and addressing these issues early, OT SIEM can prevent operational downtime and associated costs.

Security and incident Management allows for comprehensive logging and reporting of security events, facilitating adherence to various industry regulations (e.g., NERC CIP, IEC 62443). This helps organizations demonstrate they're taking necessary steps to mitigate cyber risks.

Consider factors like your organization's specific needs, budget, size, and complexity of your OT environment. Evaluate features, ease of integration with existing systems, vendor support, and scalability of the Security and incident Management solution.

Security and incident Management pricing varies depending on factors like features, deployment model (cloud, on-premise), and support. It's recommended to request quotes from multiple vendors to compare pricing and ensure the solution aligns with your budget and requirements.


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