Cyber Imp

Asset and inventory Management

Ensure comprehensive visibility and control of all Operational Technology (OT) assets for a robust industrial cybersecurity posture. 

Unveiling Your OT Landscape

Achieve a unified view of all connected devices ( Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs), etc.) across your OT environment for holistic risk management.

Granular Device Intelligence

Gain in-depth understanding of device types, firmware versions, and potential vulnerabilities to prioritize security efforts and patching strategies.

Proactive Threat Management

Empower proactive security measures by identifying critical assets and potential vulnerabilities discovered during asset discovery.



CyberIMP Asset and Inventory Management Features

CyberIMP Asset Discovery & Mapping discovers all OT devices, assess vulnerabilities, and gain actionable insights – all for a secure and efficient OT network.

Non-intrusive Discovery

Leverage passive techniques to identify devices without disrupting critical OT operations, ensuring network stability.

Detailed Asset Registry

Maintain a comprehensive inventory with granular details including device types, IP/MAC addresses, and firmware versions for simplified management.

Automated Vulnerability Assessment

Identify known security weaknesses within discovered OT devices to prioritize remediation efforts and bolster threat protection.

Actionable Security Insights

Generate reports and real-time alerts to track changes in the OT network, enabling swift identification and mitigation of potential security risks.

Unified Security Management

Integrate seamlessly with existing security and management tools to streamline workflows and centralize OT security posture.

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Asset and Inventory Management Benefits

CyberIMP Asset Discovery & Mapping unifies OT visibility, strengthen security, and optimize operations for a holistic approach.

Fortified Cybersecurity Posture

Fortified Cybersecurity Posture

Develop targeted defense strategies informed by a comprehensive OT asset inventory, significantly reducing your attack surface.


Reduced Vulnerability Window

Reduced Vulnerability Window

Proactive identification and patching of vulnerabilities closes security gaps and minimizes potential exposure to cyber threats.

Expedited Incident Response

Expedited Incident Response

Faster identification and isolation of compromised devices during security incidents minimizes potential damage and downtime.

Demonstrated Compliance

Demonstrated Compliance

Facilitate adherence to industry regulations and standards for OT asset management.

Optimized Maintenance Strategies

Optimized Maintenance Strategies

 Leverage data-driven insights from asset inventory and criticality to plan maintenance activities more effectively.

Cost Optimization

Cost Optimization

Reduce downtime and security breach expenses through proactive risk mitigation and preventive measures.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Data-Driven Decision Making

Gain valuable insights to prioritize security investments, optimize resource allocation, and make informed decisions for a robust OT security posture.

Enhanced Operational Efficiency

Enhanced Operational Efficiency

Streamline OT network management by maintaining a detailed asset registry, ultimately improving overall operational effectiveness.

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+91 9019632210


Bengaluru, Karnataka 562125


CyberImp Private Limited


  • Agent-based Discovery:
    • Involves installing software directly on OT devices.
    • Offers detailed information about the device itself, including operating system and applications running.
    • Downside: Disruptive to OT operations, requires additional resources on devices, and may not be compatible with all OT equipment.
  • Agentless (Passive) Discovery:
    • Analyzes network traffic to identify and characterize devices.
    • Less intrusive and preferred method for OT security as it avoids disrupting critical operations.
    • Downside: May not provide the same level of detail as agent-based discovery, particularly for isolated devices or those with limited network communication.

A comprehensive OT asset inventory provides the foundation for a robust cybersecurity strategy. By knowing exactly what devices are connected to your network, you can:

  • Identify and prioritize vulnerabilities: Knowing the types and versions of devices on your network allows you to identify known vulnerabilities and prioritize patching efforts for the most critical assets.
  • Minimize your attack surface: With a complete inventory, you can eliminate unnecessary devices and connections from your network, reducing potential entry points for attackers.
  • Enhance threat detection and response: Faster identification of compromised devices during a security incident allows for quicker isolation and mitigation of damage.

Beyond security advantages, asset discovery offers valuable insights for optimizing OT network management. It allows you to:

  • Streamline maintenance planning: Having a detailed registry of devices and their criticality helps to plan maintenance activities more effectively, reducing downtime and associated costs.
  • Improve resource allocation: By understanding the types and capabilities of your OT devices, you can allocate resources more efficiently to support ongoing operations.
  • Facilitate system upgrades: A complete asset inventory helps ensure compatibility when implementing new technologies or upgrades within the OT network.

The heterogeneous nature of OT environments, with different devices and communication protocols, can complicate discovery efforts. Here are some strategies to address this:

  • Segmentation: Divide your OT network into segments based on device type, function, or security level. This allows for targeted discovery approaches tailored to each segment.
  • Leverage Standardized Protocols: If possible, migrate OT devices to use standardized communication protocols like SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) to simplify discovery and management.
  • Utilize Specialized Tools: Consider specialized asset discovery tools designed for OT environments, which can handle diverse protocols and provide deeper insights into device functionality.

OT environments are dynamic, with new devices being added or removed regularly.  Therefore, a continuous or periodic rediscovery process is necessary. Here's how to approach it:

  • Initial Discovery: Perform a comprehensive initial discovery to establish a baseline inventory of all OT assets.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Implement tools for ongoing network traffic analysis to capture new devices and changes in existing ones.
  • Scheduled Rediscovery: Schedule periodic full rediscovery scans at regular intervals (e.g., quarterly) to ensure complete and accurate asset information.


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